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Pork chop melts

Succulent, grilled pork chops with rich, creamy, melted blue cheese - ready in less than 30 minutes

Ingredients :

Direction :


  • STEP 1

    Turn on the grill. Season the chops on both sides with a good sprinkling of salt and pepper. Grill under a moderate heat for 12-16 minutes, turning once, until just cooked.

  • STEP 2

    Add the topping. Thinly slice the cheese (don’t worry if it breaks up a bit). Spoon the apple sauce over the chops and top each one with a couple of slices of cheese. Slide back under the grill for 2-3 minutes until the cheese is melted and tinged brown. Serve with mashed potatoes and a green veg such as leeks or broccoli, and with any melted cheesy bits from the bottom of the pan.

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